12 Books That Will Help You Advance Your Career, No Matter What Level You're On

Source: INC.com

Are you an assistant? An associate? A VP with unlimited vacation? It doesn't matter. Because no matter where you're at in your career, you could always be doing better. (Although, you're choosing to read this article, so I can assume you're already doing pretty well for yourself.)

I rounded up 12 books that you should read to advance your career. Each one focuses on a different set of skills, beliefs, or values that are important to turning into a well-rounded person--at work, and in your own personal life. They'll motivate you, inspire you, and help you shake up a stale work routine.

So, give the fiction a (short) break, and dive into these titles that'll give your career a boost based on what you want right now!

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The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work (Works) - Joseph Campbell

The author of Hero With a Thousand Faces, The Masks of God series, and The Power of Myth here turns his powers of observation and analysis on his own life'..

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Leading Transformation - Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, Thomas Zoega Ramsoy

Leaders know that their job is to transform their organizations to keep pace with technology and an ever-changing business environment. They also know that..

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Mindful Leadership Coaching: Using Mindfulness to Develop Leaders and Transform Teams - Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries

An inclusive, networking-oriented culture is key to an organization's success. Effective leaders must understand the demands of a diverse workforce, and a..

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Freedom, Inc.: How Corporate Liberation Unleashes Employee Potential and Business Performance - Brian M. Carney, Isaac Getz

Corporate liberation is not a strategy. It is a business philosophy that leaders around the world are using to radically transform their organizations. Li..

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